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Does your wisdom teeth pain make it hard to sleep at night? Perhaps you can’t chew on the side of your mouth where they are located. Many individuals suffer from wisdom teeth problems. They are the last teeth to develop in the mouth, and frequently they do not grow correctly, resulting in a variety of issues for the patient. Gum inflammation and jaw discomfort are among the symptoms. Wisdom teeth may need to be removed in some circumstances in order for the mouth to function properly.
If you have been experiencing any discomfort or pain around your wisdom tooth area, it is important that you see your oral health professional right away so they can assess if surgery will be necessary or not. The longer you wait before getting treatment for this issue will only make things worse because it could lead to infections or other complications down the line.
In this post, we’ll go over how to relieve the pain from your wisdom teeth as well as some important information on why it’s necessary to remove them.
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Common Causes of Wisdom Tooth Pain:
It’s likely that the pain is at its worst in the evening or night time. You might find yourself experiencing a throbbing sensation, sensitivity to hot and cold foods, a fever, a sore throat, or earaches alongside the pain. We’ve put together this blog post on how to relieve your wisdom teeth pain so you can get back to enjoying life!
Gum disease: Gum inflammation or swelling is known as pericoronitis. It tends to occur most often around your lower wisdom teeth. It happens when only part of the wisdom teeth erupts and there is an accumulation of bacteria.
There are two types of pericoronitis: chronic and acute. Chronic pericoronitis is a mild inflammation of the area that occurs repeatedly over time. The symptoms of acute pericoronitis consist of fever, swelling, and pain, which means that infection is spreading.
Infection: Because wisdom teeth are more difficult to clean, they may become infected. Food and germs can accumulate between the teeth and the gums. When you’re brushing and flossing your wisdom teeth, it’s easy to overlook the space between them and the back of your mouth.
A wisdom tooth that has become impacted may not grow through your gums properly. It might partially emerge, develop at an angle, or grow sideways. In the case of a partially impacted tooth, there is a higher risk of infection since the form and angle of the tooth make decay more likely. As a result of bacterial overgrowth on the tooth’s surface, it becomes infected or decayed.
A wisdom tooth infection can be caused by a variety of bacteria. In extremely rare situations, it may spread to other parts of the mouth and head.
Abscesses: A wisdom tooth abscess might be fatal if left untreated, so it’s critical that you get prompt treatment. The infection in this area can spread to other teeth and even your jaw or surrounding tissue. To help alleviate any pain or discomfort while you wait for your dentist appointment, rinse your mouth with a salt and warm water mixture several times per day.
Cyst: Occasionally, an impacted wisdom tooth may develop a cyst (a fluid-filled sac). In turn, this can cause bone loss, jaw enlargement, movement, or cavities in neighbouring teeth if left untreated for too long. To prevent further bone loss, it is necessary to remove the tooth and cyst, since the cyst may develop tumours, which can cause a fractured jaw if left untreated.
Home Remedies For Wisdom Tooth Pain
The pain from wisdom teeth can be excruciating. The pressure and growth of these teeth can cause them to push against other teeth, resulting in discomfort. While waiting for your wisdom tooth extraction, you may use over-the-counter medical treatments and natural home remedies to alleviate the pain.
Numbing gel: To reduce the discomfort, a numbing dental gel might be applied. These gels that contain benzocaine as the active ingredient may be bought over-the-counter or online.
You can apply dental gels throughout the day to treat your inflamed gums. However, it is critical to follow the directions on the package. Be aware, however, that benzocaine can also trigger allergies.
Ibuprofen: Ibuprofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) that aids in the reduction of inflammation for pain management until a dentist is able to treat the condition.
Taking the advised dosage might help to alleviate pain. It can also aid in the reduction of gum inflammation caused by wisdom tooth development.
Ice pack: Since ice can have a numbing effect, a cold compress can help soothe inflammation and reduce pain. You should hold the ice pack against the jaw for up to 15 minutes at a time and take breaks as needed until the pain goes away.
Salt water rinse: A 2010 study showed that rinsing the mouth with salt water can help reduce bacteria. This is due to the natural disinfectant properties of salt; hence, it helps treat the infection.
To prepare a saltwater rinse, add a few tablespoons of salt to a glass of freshly boiled water. When it has somewhat cooled, swirl the saltwater mixture around your mouth for a few minutes, then spit it out. This could be done two to three times per day until the pain has lessened.
Cloves: When it comes to relieving wisdom tooth pain, cloves appear to be effective. Due to their numbing properties, they can be used as a topical pain reliever.
A whole clove or clove oil may be used as a home remedy.
To use the whole clove, place it over the aching wisdom tooth. Close your jaw to keep it in place but avoid chewing it. Spit it out when the discomfort subsides.
If you are using clove oil, add a few drops of the oil to a cotton ball and place it on the sore area; hold it there until the pain is reduced, then remove it.
Onion: Onions are high in anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial compounds. They have been found to be helpful in reducing swelling and fighting bacterial infections.
As a home remedy, chew a piece of onion on the affected part of the mouth. Keep chewing the onion until the pain is reduced and then spit it out. In this process, the onion juice goes into the gum, reducing inflammation and bacteria.
Tea bags: Tea bags contain tannins, which have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, according to 2016 research. This implies that tea bags can help reduce swelling and fight bacterial infections.
To treat toothaches using tea bags, prepare a cup of tea and leave the bag in the fridge. The tea should not be sweetened or flavoured with anything. Remove the teabag from the cold tea and place it in your aching mouth.
What to Expect After Wisdom Teeth Removal Surgery
After your surgery
After surgery, you may feel lightheaded. Getting some rest is critical on the first day after surgery. You may use an icepack on your face as soon as you are able. The dentist will also give post-operative instructions on the medications that must be taken.
Long term recovery
In the first week after surgery, you may experience swelling, discomfort, and slight bleeding. You might still get an infection weeks after surgery since the incision won’t heal completely for months. Maintain your health by eating properly and paying attention to any warning signs.
The day after surgery, you can resume your normal routine. However, don’t do anything that might dislodge stitches or the blood clot above your wound. This includes:
- Strenuous activities
- Drinking through a straw
- Cigarette smoking
- Spitting out
Home care
Your dentist will provide you with specific instructions on how to care for your mouth following dental treatment. If you don’t follow the directions carefully, infections and wisdom tooth removal problems may develop. It’s the only time your dentist will ask you not to brush, rinse, or floss your teeth throughout the day.
Rinse the wound with warm salt water to keep it clean. Don’t spit out the saltwater after you’ve finished washing. Instead, tip your head over the sink and allow the water to flow down your chin.
Excess blood may be absorbed by gently dabbing the wound with clean gauze.
Pain Management
Using a cold compress and taking pain medicine are two of the most effective ways to reduce swelling and relieve severe pain. The ice pack should be applied as directed by your dentist, and ice shouldn’t be placed directly on the face to prevent ice burns. Also, you will be advised whether you should take prescription or over-the-counter medications.
Your dental professional may give you antibiotics to prevent any infections while you’re recovering. The entire course of these medications must be exactly followed as prescribed.
What foods to eat and avoid
Although you may not want to eat right away after wisdom tooth surgery, recovery is aided by drinking lots of liquids and eating properly. Consider a diet that is recommended by your doctor for the first few days after surgery. Eat meals that are easy to swallow and chew lightly, as well as those that won’t cause blood clots or sutures to break.
When Should I Visit the Dentist?
The recovery process after wisdom teeth surgery varies from person to person, usually depending on how many of your wisdom teeth were removed. Keep in mind that each person’s body is unique and has its own timeline for healing.
If the pain level increases significantly during the first 10 days post-procedure or if there are signs of infection like fever or swelling, contact your dentist immediately. However, if you experience pain that can be controlled by over-the-counter pain medications, it is usually safe to wait until your next regularly scheduled dental visit.
Additionally, it’s essential to continue oral hygiene even after the surgery as plaque and food debris might accumulate during the healing process.
Final Thoughts
It’s not uncommon for people to feel pain when their wisdom teeth start coming in. But don’t worry, we can ease the discomfort so you don’t have to suffer through the pain. There are many different ways you can relieve your symptoms, and we want to help. One way is through dental care.
We recommend visiting Burwood Dental Care if you want treatment for your painful wisdom teeth. Our qualified dentists will assess your oral health and provide a customised treatment plan that suits your needs best. Contact us today on (03) 7003 2011 or book an appointment online here at our website.