Teeth Whitening

Yellow teeth can be embarrassing. So, many people turn to any type of teeth whitening treatment to secure a whiter smile—either professionally or in their own homes. While the treatment itself is crucial, what you do afterwards can make all of the difference when it comes time to maintain your bright smile!

This blog post will discuss expert tips on the best care for your mouth after receiving teeth whitening treatment.

The active whitening ingredient in every professional teeth whitening product is hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. When these oxygen molecules contact surface spots on your teeth, they dissolve the chemical connections that hold the stains to your enamel. This “bleaches” them away and restores your smile’s look.

Other chemicals, such as fluoride, are frequently used with peroxides. Fluoride added to teeth whiteners helps prevent tooth deterioration throughout the whitening procedure and reduces the likelihood of tooth discomfort afterwards.

How to Keep Teeth White after Teeth Whitening Treatment

Hours after treatment, it is essential to keep your oral hygiene habits right away to ensure that your flawless smile lasts longer. Here are some tips on how you can take care of your teeth.

Brush your teeth daily.

It is essential to brush your teeth twice a day at the absolute minimum. Brush early in the morning and before bedtime so that you can avoid plaque buildup on the enamel as well as bad breath from food particles left behind in your teeth.

At least once or twice a week, use whitening toothpaste.

Whitening toothpaste will serve as a basic touch-up, letting you remove any surface stains accumulated over time while also helping to avoid discolouration. You can use regular toothpaste for the rest of your cleaning. Over-the-counter whitening products and in-home whitening kits are also alternatives for long-term use.

Floss at least once a day.

Flossing is one of the best ways to keep your teeth healthy and robust. Flossing removes plaque accumulated over time, leading to bacteria buildup on your teeth. It also helps ensure that food debris doesn’t get stuck between gaps where plaque forms in between tooth surfaces.

Rinse your mouth with mouthwash.

Antiseptic mouthwash is an effective way to kill bacteria and promote oral hygiene. Rinsing your mouth at least once a day will also help cleanse the remaining particles of food in your mouth after eating. It can also avoid bad breath.

Avoid smoking.

Cigarette smoke and other tobacco products can stain your teeth. You may get a lot of dental procedures or use a lot of over-the-counter whitening strips, but if you don’t avoid smoking, you won’t be able to achieve that brighter smile. You can use a nicotine patch to start fixing this habit.

Make regular visits to your dentist.

Make frequent dental appointments to keep your teeth white and healthy and ensure that you always have a dazzling smile. Your dentist can check if there are any signs of gum disease, loose teeth, tooth decay, tooth sensitivity, possible tooth loss, and stains on teeth. Another session of the tooth whitening process may be recommended if needed.

How long do teeth whitening effects last?

In- Chair teeth whitening only lasts for a certain period of time. It can last from a few months to 3 years and it varies person-to-person. The effect won’t last as long if you smoke or drink red wine, tea, and coffee, which causes stains in the natural dentin of your smile over time. Therefore, you need frequent professional cleaning treatments with fluoride products to maintain the effectiveness of your teeth whitening procedure.

You can also consider touch-up treatments if you think your yellow teeth are starting to show again. Touch-up treatments are essential to maintaining your natural teeth’s overall appearance. These procedures can help restore the natural shine of your teeth.

Foods and Drinks that Cause Tooth Discoloration

A chemical compound called chromogen gives certain foods and drinks their intense colour, which can stain our teeth. Tannin is another common culprit for stained teeth. Lastly, acidic substances also damage your enamel with each drink you take.

You need to be more aware of the common foods that cause your yellow teeth. These include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Tea, coffee, and red wine.

A cup of coffee every morning can stain your teeth instantly. Use a straw instead of sipping directly if you insist on drinking coffee, soda, or other dark-coloured drinks. By using a straw, the liquid will not cause teeth stain.

  • Acidic beverages and foods

Balsamic vinegar, lemons, oranges, and other citrus fruits are examples of acidic or sour foods that can weaken your enamel. Eating a high concentration of acidic foods can damage your tooth enamel and weaken your gum line, allowing the inner layer of your teeth to be exposed. It is more difficult to protect the nerve centre of your tooth when the inner layer of your tooth is exposed, which might result in unpleasant tooth sensitivity.

  • Dark-coloured sauces.

Avoid red pasta sauce, soy sauce, and barbecue sauce. The dark pigment in its ingredients can cause teeth stain.

  • Dark-coloured fruit juices.

Dark fruits, including blackberries, blueberries, pomegranates, and other dark berries, have dark pigments that stain teeth. These juices have small organic particles that can penetrate your tooth enamel. That’s why, after eating blueberries, your white teeth may turn purple.

Does teeth whitening work on everyone?

The effects of teeth whitening can boost your confidence immediately. Unfortunately, teeth whitening does not work for everyone. You are a good candidate for teeth whitening if you are free of fillings or dental restorations and have healthy gum tissue. Also, teeth whitening is recommended for ages 14 and above.

Teeth whitening is not recommended for people with oral health issues like sensitive teeth, gum disease, oral cancer, or enamel that has been worn down and damaged. Before considering teeth whitening, your dentist will treat any dental cavities and gum diseases.

Additionally, you can’t have a teeth whitening procedure if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. According to oral health professionals, teeth whitening products have peroxide levels potentially dangerous to babies. Even though no link has been proven between these treatments and adverse health effects in children, women are advised to take precautions and postpone whitening treatments.

Final Thoughts

Individuals suffering from oral health difficulties such as sensitive teeth, gum disease, oral cancer, or enamel that has been worn down and damaged should avoid whitening their teeth. Before recommending teeth whitening, your dentist will make a treatment plan that will work best for your condition.

A visit to Burwood Dental Care can assist you in determining whether professional teeth whitening is the right option for you. Our dental team is committed to providing professional treatment and outstanding service that exceed your expectations. If you are ready to achieve that white smile, we will assist you every step of the way.

Our highly experienced and gentle dentists will also educate you on how to take care of your teeth after your teeth whitening treatment. We will give you advice on how you can have whiter teeth by taking good care of your dental and oral health. You also need to be aware of your food intake as certain types of food discolour your teeth to achieve brighter teeth.

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