Dental crowns are a permanent solution to a tooth that has been broken, decayed, or cracked. Dental bridges restore one or more missing teeth by replacing them with crowns on neighbouring teeth. Dentists use crowns and bridges to save teeth that could be lost if left untreated.
Our mission at Burwood Dental Care, your leading dentist in Burwood, is to provide quality dental care and make your visit as comfortable and enjoyable as possible. As part of this, we offer a range of procedures, including dental crowns and bridges, to ensure your teeth stay in tip-top condition and work to enhance your smile.

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The cost of crowns and bridges is usually determined by a number of different factors. The type of material used to create the crown or bridge, the location of your dentist, the dental lab, and the specific dentist doing the work are all contributing factors to the cost of a crown or bridge. These factors will also alter the time it takes to have the procedure completed.
Dental crowns, bridges, and other dental restoration work are essential for maintaining a healthy and functional smile. In addition, these types of procedures help protect the teeth from further damage, which can occur both from everyday use or from trauma to the mouth—dental professionals design crowns and bridges specifically for patients depending on their specific needs.
According to the ADA’s latest dental survey, a ceramic crown can cost up to $2,040, and a porcelain crown can be up to $2,002. The pricing mentioned on this page is only an estimate. To understand the detailed cost, please book an appointment with our team.

What to expect during a Dental Crown procedure?
During the preparation process, the dentist usually removes a layer of the outer surface of the tooth. The crown will then be the same thickness as the removed layer.
Dental crowns are made from a tooth mold taken by your dentist and prepared by a technician. The crown can often be made to match the colour of your natural teeth, enabling it to blend in.
You may be fitted with a temporary crown to get you through until your permanent crown can be fitted in.
Once your permanent crown is ready, you’ll return to the dentist for its fitting using dental cement or dental adhesive.
How long do dental crowns lasts?
Depending on the material, wear & tear, and methods of care used for the crown, dental crowns can last between five and fifteen years.
How to look after my Dental Crown & Bridge?
As with any dental procedures, a crown and bridge will last longer if it is well cared for. So, what can you do to ensure your dental crown and bridge last as long as possible?
There are a few things you can do to ensure your dental crown and bridge last as long as possible.
First, be sure to brush and floss your teeth before bed and after every meal.
Next, make sure you see your dentist twice per year for a checkup.
You should also use toothpaste that is fluoride-free because the fluoride content in it can cause dental decay if swallowed.
Additionally, you should use toothpaste that is designed to clean specific areas of your mouth.
While your dental crown and bridge may not require the same amount of care as other parts of your teeth, it does still require some care and attention.
When you do take care of your crown or bridge it will greatly improve the life span of your crown and bridge.
Finally, be sure to stay away from any hard or sticky foods that could potentially damage your dental crowns or bridges.
Want To Learn How Dental Crowns Can Help You?
Speak to our friendly dental team or Book an online appointment.

At Burwood Dental Care, we offer a broad range of dental services so that you can be confident that your entire family is receiving the best dental care for the best value. Our experienced and friendly Burwood Dentist is committed to providing you with the most thorough, yet affordable dental care possible. Our goal is to provide a positive dental experience for each of our patients.
We offer General Dentistry, Children Dentistry, Orthodontics, and Cosmetic Dentistry. Our Dental Practice is conveniently located near Woolworths Burwood.
At Burwood Dental Care, our patients are our number one priority. That’s why we’ve put together a dedicated, caring team to offer you the highest standard of dental care. We want to take the time to get to know you, understand your dental needs and ensure that every visit to us is as comfortable as possible. We’re proud to call the vibrant, close-knit, family-friendly suburb of Burwood home.

Smile now and pay later with our dental payment plan options. For your convenience, we have partnered with a range of popular payment plan providers to make dental treatment more affordable for you. Contact us to find out about our Free Interest Free Dental Payment Plan options.